forever products for hair loss

stop the hair loss

Oil, shampoo and tablets = 100% natural

History of hair

hair history

Does your hair represent a part of your natural look and your personality?

You shouldn’t feel as if you are the only one who feels that way, thanks to ancient art works and coins we now know that a lot of men and women had similar attitudes towards hair throughout history. First recorded evidence dates back to antiquity, 1200 BC.

During ancient Egypt both men and women had short hairstyles because of the extremely high temperatures in that part of the world. Yet, for festive occasions, both male and female nobles wore heavy black wigs over their short hairstyles.

Unlike the Egyptians, Greeks had a culture in which long hair was nurtured, their long hair would often be decorated with golden and floral ornaments. They also had a practice in which they would dye their hair red.

Romans loved blond hair, wearing blond wigs was quite popular at that time. They would cut the hair of their slaves in order to make those wigs!

Some of the most prominent hairstyles were those found at royal courts in the 18th century, especially those of Marie Antoinette in France during the Rococo era. The royal family and other nobles wore popular intricate wigs with decorative curls. Both men and women at the time wore wigs that had white powdery long curls.

It was truly shocking to see how the queen and her followers were using large quantities of flower as a hair product while peasants could barely afford a single loaf of bread at their table.

The history of hair is turbulent, and is still being written to this day. One thing is for sure, humans have always paid great attention to their hair.

Purpose of hair

Hair regulates body temperature.

The primary role of hair in the summer is:

  • to provide the scalp with sun insulation
  • to block exposure to UV radiation
  • to cool the head when sweat evaporates from soaked hair

During winter hair helps us retain our body heat, this is extremely helpful considering the fact that we lose approximately 25% of body heat through the scalp.

The hair on our head also protects us from minor injuries, such as scratches you would get while going through a bush or something similar.

Hair identifies who you are

Hair can be used for forensic analysis and paternity testing. However, aside from this excessive use, hair can also be a form of a non-verbal expression.

Nowadays, hair can be used for recognition and building your own “brand”. Your hair is also your trump card, it is a form of aphrodisiac that makes you look desirable to others. It is scientifically proven that beautiful hairstyles evoke the secretion of a sex pheromone. This chemical element is produced by our body, and its main function is causing sexual arousal.

The most important thing above all is the self confidence and life energy you gain when you are completely satisfied with the health of your hair and your hairstyle.

What is hair structure

what is hair structure

Hair consists of three main sections, the hair bulb, the hair root and the hair shaft. The hair shaft is the visible part of hair that extends out from the surface of the skin. The hair root is situated inside the skin and extends to the bulb which then extends deeper into the dermal layer of the skin. Hair root is surrounded with a hair follicle (skin sheath and connective tissue), which is also connected to the sebaceous gland.

Each hair follicle is attached to a tiny muscle (arrector pili) that allows the hair to stand up straight. Many nerves are situated on the hair follicle. These nerves detect hair movement and are extremely sensitive to the slightest temperature change.

The hair papilla, which supplies the root of the hair with blood, is located at the base. New hair cells are constantly forming at the basis of the hair, near the papilla.

The dermal papilla at the follicle’s base is critical, whether you want your hair to grow healthy or stop hair growth permanently. Proper blood flow and nutrition can keep your strands healthy and create new hair. In addition, laser or electrolysis methods of hair removal can damage the follicle and dermal papilla which can prevent hair formation. These methods can completely remove hair from certain body parts.

Hair shape

The cross-section of the hair determines whether the hair will be curly or straight. If the cross-section is more oval that means that the hair will be curlyer.

Why hair colour is white

Hair colour is determined by the amount of melanin in the hardened cells. This can vary significantly from person to person and can change throughout life.

The amount of melanin in your body usually decreases as you get older. Because of the excess moisture that resides in hair it starts to lose its colour and becomes white over time. The original colour of the hair, and the number of the white hairs growing, can determine if the hair is going to be gray or purely white.

Hair growth cycle time

As long as new hair cells continue to grow inside of the hair root the hair itself will continue to grow. This hair growth phase is also called the anagen phase. Around 90% of hair is in this phase of growth at any moment.

Phase of hair growth could last up to a few years. It could grow to be more than 1 meter in length if you let it grow out without shortening it. When it comes to other hairs on our body, that growth period is shorter. For example, eyelashes, eyebrows, nose hair or ear hair grow every 100 to 150 days, there is no possible way for them to grow as fast as your hair does.

At the end of the growth phase, the hair root separates from the papilla. Hair then enters a transitional phase called the catagen phase which lasts for about two to four weeks. The blood flow cuts off in the last stages of rest, after which hair separates from the papilla completely, this phase is called the telogen phase. The hair is then gradually pushed out of the skin and eventually falls off. The resting phase can last up to a few months.

New hair cells then begin to multiply at the base of the “empty” hair follicle where they begin to form new hair. This is how the growth phase of the hair growth cycle starts from new.

How fast does hair grow

One hair strand can grow to be 1 cm long in just a month. Hairs on the face, eyelashes, eyebrows and body hair grow at a slower rate.

Greasy hair

Healthy hair produces a certain amount of sebum, or oil, as a way of hydrating the scalp and protecting the hair. The amount of oil produced depends on the hair type, hygiene habits and other lifestyle factors.

Sometimes this natural oil can accumulate on your hair, especially at the root section. This gives your hair a smooth look, although some consider it to be dirty.


The oil in your hair is a part of the defence mechanism of the body for the sensitive hair located at the scalp.

Sweat and dirt often mix with the oil that covers the scalp, sometimes it even gathers up on the top of the head. This is completely normal, and usually unavoidable.

Good hair hygiene and thorough scalp washing with shampoo removes oil and gives the hair a new ‘non-greasy look.

Some hair types are prone to oil accumulation.Oil can accumulate to a visible level in less than 24 hours! Sometimes doing intense exercises, overusing hair products, or even going outside during excessive heat or moisture can cause your hair to get greasy the same day you washed it.

One somewhat unexpected cause of oily hair is excessive washing.

Every time you wash your hair with shampoo, it signals the scalp to produce more sebum. If the hair is washed too often the scalp receives the message for excessive oil production.

This can result in a fatty buildup on the scalp.

Oily hair is often associated with a certain hair type. For example, straight hair is more prone to oil accumulation.

This happens because the hair doesn’t have texture or the wave. Because of that oil can slide straight down the hair which causes it to spread all over. Straightened hair also makes the oil more visible.

Another cause of oily hair could be a certain type of a product you use.

Sebum is a type of oil, which means that it cannot be removed with water alone. Washing your hair with water without using shampoo, or using only hair regeneration products can result in oil buildup on the scalp

The oil may not be spotted while your hair is drying, however the greasy hair look will appear soon after the hair dries.

Special shampoos whose main purpose is to get rid of the oily buildup do exist. After the excess buildup of sebum melts away, you will notice your hair staying fresher, cleaner and oil free for longer periods of time. Here are some shampoos for oily hair that experts recommend:

Neutrogena therapeutic shampoo. Experts love this shampoo because it contains salicylic acid which is an active ingredient. Salicylic acid breaks oil down better than regular shampoos.

Aveda Scalp Balancing Shampoo. Aveda shampoo aims to cleanse the scalp with ingredients like echinacea and sage. These ingredients aim to refresh the scalp, cleanse dead skin cells, and leave the pores and sweat glands under your hair free of clogging.

Shampoo with Chi tea tree oil. The Chi brand is known for products that protect and strengthen the cuticle of your hair, it is even helpful for hair that has been heath damaged. Tea tree oil decomposes and washes out oil and impurities from the scalp.

Redken oil detoxification shampoo. Redken’s shampoo for oily hair aims at deep cleansing of the scalp. Eucalyptus oil and citrus peel are a part of how this shampoo addresses dandruff and treats oily scalp.

Dry hair

What is dry hair? Dry hair develops when your hair does not gain or retain enough moisture, and thus the hair becomes dry and without shine.

Dry hair can affect men and women of any age, but you are more likely to develop it as you get older.

As we have seen, hair consists of three layers. If your hair is healthy, the natural oils on the outer layer help protect the inner layers. Those oils reflect the light which makes your hair look shiny.

After your hair dries the outer layer starts to disintegrate which makes your hair appear dry and unhealthy.

Causes of dry hair

Various factors can lead to dry hair, including environmental conditions, hair care habits, and physical health.

Some of the environmental conditions that can cause dry hair include:

  • Living in a dry, hot climate
  • Spending a lot of time in the sun or wind
  • Often swimming in salt or chlorinated water

Haircare practices that often contribute to dry hair include:

  • Washing your hair too often
  • Using harsh shampoos and conditioners
  • Dyeing or chemical treatment of your hair
  • Frequent blow-drying
  • Using electric curlers or hair straighteners

In some cases, dry hair results from an underlying health problem that affects your hair’s ability to retain moisture.

Anorexia nervosa: An eating disorder, anorexia nervosa can lead to malnutrition. It can cause dry and brittle hair, with more serious complications.

Hypoparathyroidism: If you have hypoparathyroidism, the parathyroid gland in your neck doesn’t produce enough parathyroid hormone, which lowers blood calcium levels. Calcium is a crucial nutrient for healthy hair, bones and teeth.

Hypothyroidism: With hypothyroidism, your thyroid glands do not produce enough thyroid hormone. Dry and brittle hair is one of the early symptoms of this condition.

Menkes syndrome: If you have Menkes syndrome, a rare genetic condition, your cells do not absorb enough copper. Low copper absorption affects the health of your hair, which causes dryness.

Dry hair treatment

In many cases, dry hair can be treated with simple lifestyle changes. Here are a few that you can try:

  • Avoid shampooing your hair daily
  • Use conditioner every time you wash your hair
  • Use specific shampoos and conditioners designed for your hair type
  • Use moisturizing styling products
  • Avoid chemical hair treatments
  • Dry your hair less often
  • Avoid electric curling irons

Daily shampooing can deprive your hair of its natural protective oils, which can lead to dryness. Try washing your hair once or twice a week instead. You can also add hair oils or conditioners that your hair absorbs in order to add more shine and softness to it.

Protecting your hair from heat exposure and sun is also essential. If you live in a dry climate, try wearing a hat when going outdoors, and try to avoid prolonged exposure to dry or windy air. In addition, you should try to protect your hair from chlorine and saltwater by wearing a bathing cap while swimming in a pool or the ocean.

Hair loss

In addition to oily and dry hair, hair loss is the third most common hair disease. Hair loss (alopecia) usually impacts your scalp, but it can also affect your entire body. This condition can be temporary or permanent.

Hair loss usually refers to excessive hair fall out throughout longer or shorter periods of time. Hereditary hair loss with age is the most common cause of baldness. Some people prefer not to treat hair loss. Others, on the other hand, prefer to hide their baldness with wigs, make-up, hats or scarves.

One section of the population decided to tackle hair loss by using some of the available treatments in order to prevent further hair loss or restore growth. Those treatments mainly include tablets or shampoos.


Hair loss can appear in many ways, and depending on the cause, its appearance can occur suddenly or gradually, it can affect your whole body or just your scalp.

Signs and symptoms of hair loss may include:

Gradual thinning at the top of the head. This is the most common type of hair loss that affects people with age. When it comes to men, their hair often starts falling out from their hairline section, which widens out their forehead. When it comes to women, their hair usually starts extending from a certain section. An increasingly familiar pattern of hair fall out in older women is hair loss (frontal fibrosing alopecia).

Circular or spotted bald spots. Some people lose their hair in circular or spotty shaped bald spots, which can appear on the scalp, chin or eyebrows. The skin often becomes itchy or painful before hair loss.

The sudden dissolution of hair. Sudden physical or emotional shock can cause your hair to become weak. This may cause a large amount of hair to fall out during gentle combing or washing. This type of hair fall out usually causes your hair to thin out, and is thankfully only a temporary condition.

Hair loss all over the body. Some conditions and certain medical treatments, such as chemotherapy, can result in hair loss appearing all over the body.

Peeling spots that spread across the scalp. This is a sign of lichen. It is often accompanied by redness, swelling, hair breakage, and in some cases leakage.

When to start treatment?

If you are concerned about permanent hair loss, and you wish to start a treatment, the best solution is to visit your doctor. Women who suffer with hair loss (frontal fibrosing alopecia) should consult with their doctors about starting early treatment in order to avoid significant permanent baldness.

Sudden hair loss could be accompanied by another disease that may acquire a special medical treatment. It is of utmost importance to make sure that hair loss has no correlation with other diseases before starting the treatment.

Causes of hair loss

People usually lose around 50 to a 100 strands of hair every day. This usually goes unnoticed considering the fact that new hairs grow out as their replacement. Hair loss occurs when those new hairs don’t replace those which have fallen out.

Hair loss is usually associated with one or more of the following factors:

Family history (genetics). The most common cause of hair loss is an inherited condition that occurs with ageing. This condition is called androgenic alopecia, it appears as a male pattern baldness and female pattern baldness. It usually occurs gradually and in predictable patterns which are hair loss and baldness in men and thinning hair along the scalp in women.

Hormonal changes and health conditions. Various conditions can cause permanent or temporary hair loss, this includes hormonal changes due to pregnancy, childbirth, menopause, and thyroid problems. Medical conditions include alopecia areata which is linked to the immune system and can cause unusual hair loss, scalp infections such as lichens, and a hair-pulling disorder called trichotillomania.

Consumption of drugs and supplements. Hair loss can be a side effect of consuming certain medications for arthritis, depression, heart problems, cancer, gout, or high blood pressure.

Going through a very stressful event. In some cases, hair can generally thin out in a span of a few months after a physical or mental shock. This type of hair loss is temporary.

Hairstyles and treatments. Excessive hairstyling or wearing hairstyles that tighten your hair, such as pigtails or corn, can cause hair loss called traction alopecia. Hot oil treatments and permanent hair preparations can also cause hair loss. In cases of scarring hair loss can be permanent.

Risk factors

Many factors can increase the risk of hair loss, those include:

  • A family history of maternal or paternal baldness
  • Age
  • Significant weight loss
  • Certain health conditions, such as diabetes and lupus
  • Stress
  • Poor nutrition
hair loss cure 2021

How to prevent hair loss?

Here are some tips that can help you avoid hair loss:

Be gentle with your hair. Avoid pulling your hair while brushing and combing, especially if your hair is wet. Using a comb with wide teeth could prevent painful hair pulling.

Avoid harsh treatments such as hot rollers, curlers, hot oil treatments and permanent agents. Limit the tension on your hair by avoiding hairstyles that require the usage of rubber bands, hair pins and braids.

Protect your hair from direct sunlight and other sources of ultraviolet light.

Stop smoking. Some research shows a direct association between smoking and baldness.

If you are being treated with chemotherapy, try asking your doctor about the cooling cap. This cap can help reduce the risk of hair loss during chemotherapy.

Vitamins for hair growth

In addition to genetics, the second cause of hair loss is due to vitamin deficiency.

The most important vitamins for hair growth and strengthening are B complexes. B vitamins are soluble in water and are discharged in urine. This is why it is so important to consume foods that are rich with this vitamin, you can also add it to your daily supplements.

Since vitamin B is a complex vitamin and consists of different variations, knowing which ones are most beneficial for healthy hair is essential.

Biotin: Biotin is a coenzyme and a vitamin B, but it is more commonly known as vitamin H. Biotin plays an essential role in DNA repair, gene regulation and cell division. This is important considering the fact that the cells which make up hair are duplicated by a cell division process called mitosis.

It is easy to see why biotin is so important when it comes to strengthening your hair. Biotin can be found as a natural component in many foods such as whole grains, liver, seafood, soy, nuts, cabbage, cucumbers, cauliflower and onions.

Inositol is a cell membrane stabilizer and an antioxidant that can have a protective effect on your hair follicles. However, inositol deficiencies are a rare occurrence because our bodies produce this compound through bacteria in the intestines.

Some studies suggest that consuming large amounts of caffeine can cause a lack of inositol production in the body. If you drink coffee or consume a lot of energy drinks, you may want to increase your inositol intake. Inositol can be found in foods such as nuts, oats, rice, beans, chickpeas, liver, pork, veal, and whole grains.

Niacin: Also known as vitamin B3, nicotinic acid and vitamin PP. This vitamin effectively improves circulation and lowers blood cholesterol levels. Some research suggests that niacin will help with encouraging hair growth since it effectively dilates blood vessels and capillaries, this improves circulation in the scalp.

It has also been suggested that since niacin lowers cholesterol, it may help reduce DHT production in hair follicles. Significant sources of niacin can be found in asparagus, cabbage, tuna, seafood, salmon, eggs, chicken and turkey breast and almonds.

Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5): Helps lower harmful cholesterol while increasing HDL (“good”) cholesterol levels. It also helps keep the skin healthy and delays the appearance of early aging signs.

It plays a vital role in combating grey hair because it has a role in hair pigmentation. Food sources include liver, kidneys, whole grains and brewer’s yeast.

Vitamin B6: Pyridoxine also helps with hair growth because it stimulates inositol (see above). It also helps in the metabolism of red blood cells which increases oxygen in the body and promotes hair growth.

Vitamin B6 can be found in chickpeas, yellowfin tuna, beef, turkey, brown rice and potatoes.

Vitamin B12: also called cobalamin, is involved in the metabolism of every cell in the human body, it is used to make DNA and red blood cells that help supply the body with oxygen.

Better oxygen helps promote not only health, but also healthy skin and hair. Vitamin B12 is most commonly found in meat like beef, but can also be found in animal shellfish products, Swiss cheese, yoghurt, and milk.

In addition to the B complex, the following vitamins are also helpful for fast hair growth and healthy hair.

Vitamin E: Vitamin is fat-soluble, which means that your body stores it in its fat reserves. Vitamin E gets stored in the body, unlike the vitamin B which gets discharged from the body. It is important to get the right dosage in order to avoid possible toxic effects.

Recommended dose for adults is 15 mg (22.4 IU). It can be taken in higher doses but with the approval of a doctor. Vitamin E is a universal remedy because of its powerful antioxidant properties that fight off the radicals that can damage the body’s cells.

This vitamin is also known to boost blood circulation, which can help increase the number of nutrients in the hair follicles. Excellent sources of this vitamin include wheat germ oil, saffron oil, soybean oil, almonds, peanuts, spinach and kiwi.

Vitamin A: This vitamin is fat-soluble, gets stored in the body, and can be toxic. Although vitamin A is good for hair growth, it can have the opposite effect by causing hair loss if it reaches toxic levels, that is why it is important to take the right amount and not overdo it.

It is very beneficial for hair follicles when the suggested dose is taken as it helps maintain hair root lubrication. The recommended doses are 5,000 IU per day for men, and 4,000 IU per day for women. Natural food sources include carrots, sweet potatoes, broccoli, spinach, oatmeal, tomato juice, apples, cheddar cheese, tuna, beef and pecans.

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Accelerate hair growth naturally

Hair loss has become a nightmare fuel for many people around the world.. But you don’t have to worry about that anymore, because there are several natural solutions to this problem. All you need to do is follow them in order to prevent or stop hair loss.

Here are some tips on how to speed up hair growth and naturally stop hair loss.

  • Massage your hair with vegetable oil before taking a shower.
  • After the massage, leave your hair drenched with oil for at least one hour, or throughout the night.
  • Using oil from Sagvan seeds when massaging the scalp can also help prevent hair loss.
  • Massage your head with a mixture of warm castor and almond oil at least once a week.
  • Adding walnuts to your daily diet helps with hair loss.
  • Prepare a natural hair conditioner that is rich in protein (from egg yolks and olive oil), and apply it to the hair. Leave it on for about 20 minutes, you can use this balm daily. It will stimulate the growth of your hair and nourish it which is one way to stop hair loss.
  • Massaging the hair with castor oil before showering gives excellent results and also stops hair loss.
  • Adding apples to your daily diet will also help control hair thinning problems.

What is the best treatment for hair loss

The best cream for back pain should be natural, safe and effective. Therefore, we examined three creams that had the best performance and gave the best results on a large number of subjects.

Anti-hair loss, Biohira Hair Serum

Anti-hair loss Biohira Hair Serum

  • Procapil – Helps restore hair by increasing metabolic process and follicular structure. Enhances and revitalizes the hair follicle in order to prevent hair loss in men. The mix of biotinyl-GHK, apigenin, and oleanolic acid.
  • Keratin – It has unique qualities that help by protecting the epitheral cells from distruction and stress, it also plays a part in hair root renowal.
  • Magnesium – Avoids build-up of calcium on the scalp, and blocking roots reduces inflammation of the scalp caused by calcium. It promotes blood circulation. Improves protein synthesis and typical hair development.
  • Caffeine – Penetrates the roots and stimulates hair growth. It blocks the effect of the male hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT) – which interrupts the hair follicles and causes baldness in men. It makes hair feel soft and glossy.



hair activ capsules

  • Palm Serenoa – stimulates dormant follicles and reduces mechanical stress on the hair.
  • Coleus Forskolin – known as the plant is great for weight loss, in these tablets has the function of adding valuable vitamins to hair.
  • Boswellia Serrata – restores the scalp and removes inflammation.
  • Peruvian Maca – strengthens the hair root and thus prevents further hair loss. It also has the function of skincare on the scalp.
  • Zinc – enhances hair growth, restores damaged structure, and removes split ends on hair follicles. It does not allow excessive dryness of the dermis.
  • Vitamin B6 – in charge of hair shine.

Bone Marrow

(hair mask)

Bone Marrow mask

  • Bone Marrow (Stem Cells) – It promotes hair strength and growth, makes it easier to manage, helps maintain volume, and gives a healthy shine.
  • Collagen (Liquid Collagen) – It is entirely hypoallergenic, even approved for newborns. It quickly penetrates the skin cell structures, has an absorbent effect on the antimicrobial effect.
  • Panthenol Provitamin B5 – It normalizes the function and structure of hair follicles, neutralizes harmful environmental effects and chemicals found in shampoos.
  • Aloe Extract – It actively nourishes and strengthens hair follicles, stops hair loss, accelerates growth, relieves dandruff, itching, and dryness of the scalp restores weak and damaged hair structure.



Hairstim oil

  • Climbazole Extract – This is a plant-extracted substance with anti-fungal residential or commercial properties. It acts preventatively against infections on the scalp dermis, extreme seborrhea, and the look of dandruff.
  • Wheat Extract – It has a multi-level action and can penetrate deep into the upper epidermal layers, offering active hair nourishment. The ingredient regenerates and nourishes the scalp. It features vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, C, E, and K and many other healthy minerals. It also functions as a powerful antioxidant, safeguarding the hair from external contaminants and making it m glossy from the roots to the natural ends. Making it glossy all the way from the roots to the natural ends.
  • Soybean Extract – The ingredient thickens and reinforces weakened roots. They are the primary cause of alopecia (hair loss). It also lowers skin inflammation and slows down the aging processes.

Hair Perfecta


hair perfecta oil

  • Prokapil – Slows down the aging process of follicles, prevents hair loss, and activates “sleeping” follicles.
  • Keratin – Fills the cavities around the hair, strengthens the scalp, makes the hair elastic and easy to maintain.
  • Magnesium – Participates in the processing of important nutrients for hair (calcium, phosphorus, vitamin B6, B1, E), prevents breakage and gray hair.
  • Caffeine – Nourishes the scalp, moisturizes, and prevents the formation of dryness, itching, and dandruff. Improves blood circulation and increases hair growth.

Princess Hair

(hair mask)

princess hair

  • Burdock Root Oil – Prevents split ends Restores the hair structure.
  • Argan oil – Moisturizes and nourishes the hair roots. Nourishes the scalp.
  • Vitamin E – Prevents hair loss. Nourishes hair follicles.
  • Vitamin A – Strengthens the hair roots For more strength and shine.
  • Coconut Oil – Promotes microcirculation Improves hair elasticity.
  • Calamus extract – Antibacterial action Eliminates dandruff.
  • Cinnamon oil – Reactivates inactive hair follicles Accelerates hair growth.
  • Chamomile extract – Calming effect Works against allergens.

Order instructions

  • Fill out the purchase order form below and enter your shipping information.
  • Our carrier will call you shortly after we receive your order. Please enter your phone number correctly and answer our operator’s call.
  • Pay your capsules in person to the courier at your address by cash on delivery.

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The price of these anti-hair loss products are:

Anti-hair loss

  • Kuwait: 19 KWD

Biohira Hair Serum

  • United Arab Emirates: 399 AED

Princess Hair

  • Netherlands, Belgium: 49 €

Hair Perfecta

  • Italy: 49.95 €
  • Slovakia, Greece, Cyprus: 44.9 €
  • Czech Republic: 1095 CZK
  • Poland: 179.00 zł
  • Bulgaria: 69 LV

Bone Marrow

  • Turkey: 89 TL

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