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Utilize Fat for Energy with Ketosis!

Why is the Keto diet so popular?

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A ketogenic diet can help you get in shape for the same amount of time it would take with other diets that last for years!

Furthermore, weight loss is not the only problem this fast-growing diet solves. The effects of this diet are the elimination of the causes of diseases and conditions caused by excess weight, such as kidney problems and diabetes.

The Ketogenic diet is also a regimen that increases the beneficial effect on the health of the skin and hair.

The essence of the Keto diet is in a natural process of your body called – ketosis.

What exactly is ketosis

The keto diet is not a new phenomenon at all.

Up until 10,000 years ago, humans had limited access to foods that were high in carbohydrates. Even if they did come up with carbohydrate-rich foods, they had limited technology and knowledge to store any of those carbohydrate-rich foods they found.

As a result of a lack of carbohydrates in the diet, human biology has evolved to use fat as a main source of energy and protein for body growth. Physiology has thus developed two metabolic processes for body movement – energy from carbohydrates and energy from fats (ketosis).

With the invention of agriculture, people began to grow high-carbohydrate grains in large quantities. In addition, technological advances have made it possible to store and consume rich carbohydrate foods in a broad population.

Around 10,000 years ago, an evolutionary scale spiked in the blink of an eye, which means that there was no time for humans to evolve in order to process such a high daily carbohydrate intake.

Today we know that a modern lifestyle causes excessive consumption of carbohydrates in the daily diet.

The body has evolved to process fats much better than carbohydrates. This means that the keto diet (a diet low in carbohydrates and rich in healthy fats) is much more suitable for creating the energy in the body necessary for daily functioning.

Ketosis means that the body has switched from using carbohydrates as a fuel source exclusively to the use of body fat as a fuel.

Ketosis begins when there are not enough carbohydrates in the bloodstream to replenish glycogen stocks in the liver. When there are enough carbohydrates, the liver produces glycogen from carbohydrates, which means that it produces fast food for the body.

Lack of carbohydrates means that the body needs an alternative food source. The body then switches to another type of food – fat, especially fatty acids. The liver breaks down fats into ketone bodies, commonly called ketones.

When the liver releases these ketone bodies into the bloodstream, in order to use it as energy, that process is called ketosis.

When you eat carbohydrates, the body uses them as a fuel source; the body converts excess carbohydrates into fat using insulin. This means that carbohydrates are not stored in the body. Other than those stored in the liver as glycogen, they are always kept in fat!

If you consume all the carbohydrates in your bloodstream and don’t replenish them, your body will eventually have to use fat as an energy source.

It usually takes about 48 hours to induce ketosis.

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What is the keto diet?

You have seen that with the mass use of sugar in the diet, our body gets confused, as it is not destined to store that much sugar (except a small portion in the liver) and therefore converts all of that sugar into fat.

The point of the Keto diet is to give back to our body its predestined ability, which is to use fat as fuel. We will do this by drastically reducing sugar and also by drastically increasing good fats in the diet.

Instead of relying on sugar (glucose) that comes from carbohydrates (such as grains, legumes, vegetables, and fruits), the keto diet relies on ketone bodies.

The conclusion is already self-evident. By starting ketosis, we lose fat deposits and thus lose weight.

Simple, isn’t it! That’s the magic of Keto diet.

Keto diet

Burning fat seems to be the ideal way to lose weight. But forcing the liver to make ketone bodies is not easy:

  • It is necessary to deprive yourself of consuming less than 20 to 50 grams of carbohydrates per day (note that a medium-sized banana has about 27 grams of carbohydrates).
  • It usually takes a few days in order to reach a state of ketosis.
  • Overeating protein (meat) can interfere with ketosis.

Because the keto diet has such a high need for fat, you need to eat fat at every meal. In a 2,000-calorie daily diet, this can look like 165 grams of fat, 40 grams of carbohydrates, and 75 grams of protein. However, the exact ratio depends on your needs.

Healthy unsaturated fats are allowed on the keto diet – such as nuts (almonds, walnuts), seeds, avocados, tofu, and olive oil. Fats that can also be included are saturated fats from oils (palm, coconut), lard, butter, and cocoa butter.

Proteins are a part of the keto diet, especially those that are high in saturated fat, such as beef, pork, and bacon.

What about fruits and vegetables?

Generally, fruits are rich in carbohydrates, so they are excluded from the Keto diet, but you can consume certain fruits (usual berries) in small meals.

Vegetables (also rich in carbohydrates wires) are limited to leafy vegetables (kale, chard, spinach), cauliflower, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, asparagus, peppers, onions, garlic, mushrooms, cucumbers, celery, and summer zucchini. For example, a cup of chopped broccoli contains about 6 g of carbohydrates.

Types of keto diet


This is a diet low in carbohydrates, moderate in protein, and high in fat. It typically contains 70 to 75 percent fat, 20 percent protein, and about 5 to 10 percent carbohydrates.
The number of essential foods in this type of keto diet:

  • 20-50g of carbohydrates
  • 40-60g of protein
  • No fat limit set

This diet should include a robust intake of vegetables, especially starch-free vegetables, as it is deficient in carbohydrates.
Standard keto diets consistently show success in helping people lose weight, improving blood glucose control, and in improving heart health.

Very Low Carb Diet (VLCKD)

The standard ketogenic diet is a low-carbohydrate diet, and therefore VLCKD usually refers to the classic ketogenic diet.

Well formulated

The term ‘well-formulated keto diet’ comes from Steve Phinney, one of the leading researchers in this field.

The WFKD (Well Formulated Ketogenic Diet) follows a similar draft as the standard diet. However, Well-formulated means that the macronutrients, fats, proteins, and carbohydrates meet the ratios of a standard ketogenic diet and therefore provide the best chance of ketosis occurring.

MCT diet

This follows the outlines of a standard keto diet but focuses more on using the Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs) in order to provide most of the fat in the diet.

MCTs are found in coconut oil and are available as MCT oil and MCT emulsion liquids.

The MCT diet has been used to treat epilepsy because the theory states that MCT allows people to consume more carbohydrates and proteins while maintaining ketosis. In addition, MCTs provide more ketones per gram of fat than the long-chain triglycerides present in normal dietary fat.

Keep in mind that MCTs can lead to having an upset stomach and diarrhea if consumed independently, without other fatty foods. To prevent this, it is best to eat meals with a fine balance of MCT and non-MCT fat.

Keto with calorie restriction

This diet is similar to the usual ketogenic diet, with the exception that the calories are not limited to a certain amount.

Research shows that ketogenic diets are successful regardless of whether calorie intake is limited or not. This is because the saturating effect of eating fat and staying in ketosis in itself helps prevent overeating.

Cyclic (CKD)

The CKD diet, also known as carbohydrate transshipment, includes days when more carbohydrates are eaten, such as five ketogenic days, followed by two higher carbohydrate days.

The diet is intended for athletes who can use multiple days of carbohydrates to make up for glycogen lost from using muscles during training.

The targeted keto diet (TKD)

TKD (Targeted Ketogenic Diet) is similar to the standard ketogenic diet, except that carbohydrates are consumed during the training.

It is a compromise between a standard and a cyclic ketogenic diet that allows you to ingest carbohydrates every day while you exercise.

It is based on the concept that carbohydrates consumed before or after physical exertion will be processed much more efficiently, because muscles demand for energy increases when we are active.

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A diet high in protein

This diet includes more protein than the standard diet, with a ratio of 35 percent protein, 60 percent fat, and 5 percent carbohydrates.

This type of diet is more effective than others when it comes to weight loss in overweight people.

Protein diet

Here, we should mention another diet, which is similar to ketone, as it reduces carbohydrate intake.
The protein, also known as Atkins diet is one of the most famous diets in the world. It is a low-carb, high-protein, high-fat diet.

This diet is divided into four phases based on the daily net amount of carbohydrates (total carbohydrates minus fiber and sugar alcohols). The main stages of a protein diet are:

Phase 1. This phase allows for 20-25 grams of net carbohydrates per day until you reach 15 pounds of your targeted weight.

Phase 2. During this phase, ingest 25-50 grams of net carbohydrates per day until you reach 5 pounds of your targeted weight.

Stage 3. Your net allowable amount of carbohydrates increases to 50-80 grams per day until you reach the targeted weight, and should be maintained for one month.

Phase 4. Consume 80–100 grams of net carbohydrates per day for continuous weight maintenance during the final phase.

As you approach your targeted weight and progress through these stages, your daily carbohydrate intake increases, allowing you to include a greater variety of foods.
However, even during phase 4, which allows for up to 100 grams of net carbs per day, you consume significantly fewer carbs than most people usually eat.

Similarities and differences between protein and keto diet

Keto and Atkins share certain similarities, but in some respects, they also differ.


Since they are both low-carb diets, Atkins and keto are similar in some ways.

The Atkins Phase 1 diet
is similar to the keto diet in a way that it limits net carbohydrates to 25 grams per day. However, by doing so, your body enters ketosis and begins to burn fat as the primary fuel source.

Moreover, both diets can lead to weight loss by reducing the number of calories you eat. Many carbohydrates – especially refined carbohydrates, such as sweets, chips, and sugary drinks – are high in calories and contribute to weight gain.

Both protein and keto require you to eliminate this high-calorie food that is rich in carbohydrates, which facilitates calorie reduction and weight loss.


Although the keto is a moderate-protein approach, with about 20% of the calories coming from the protein, the Atkins diet allows for up to 30% of the calories to come from the protein, depending on the stage.

In addition, on a keto diet, you want to keep your body in ketosis by constantly limiting your carbohydrate intake.

On the other hand, the Atkins diet gradually increases carbohydrate intake, eventually driving your body out of ketosis.

Due to this flexible restriction of carbohydrates, protein enables a wider choice of foods, such as a bigger variety of fruits and vegetables, even some cereals.
The bottom line is that a protein diet is a less restrictive approach because you don’t have to follow ketones or adhere to specific macronutrient goals in order to stay in ketosis.

Keto recipes

Keto recipes

Plan your menus and snacks at least one week in advance,- so you don’t just get caught up in a high-carb meal.

Several foods are essential elements of the keto diet. Be sure to have these items on hand:

Eggs – used in omelets, quiches (yes, solid sour cream is allowed for keto!), Hard-boiled as a snack, pizza crust with few carbohydrates, and much more; If you love eggs, you have a great chance of success on this diet

Bacon (fatty dry meat) – Do I need a reason? breakfast, salad garnish, hamburger, BLT (no bread, try BLT in a bowl, tossed in mayonnaise)

Cream cheese – Dozens of recipes, pizza crusts, main dishes, desserts

Crumbled cheese – Sprinkle taco meat in a bowl, tortilla chips in the microwave, salad dressings, low-carb pizza, and enchiladas

Green Vegetables – Stuff green vegetables; have enough on hand for a quick salad when they trigger hunger pangs.

Cauliflower – fresh or frozen, you can eat this low-carbohydrate vegetable alone, with a bit of olive oil and roasted, mashed into cauliflower puree, chopped/shredded, and used instead of rice under main dishes, in low-carbohydrate pizza crusts and keto pizzas.

Frozen chicken – quickly thaw and grill, sauté, mix with vegetables and pour over garlic sauce in flatbread with low carbohydrate content.

Ground beef – Make a giant burger and pour it over various things, from cheese, sauteed mushrooms, grilled onions… or crumble and cook with taco spices. Best combined with lettuce, avocado, cheese, sour cream for taco salad.

Almonds (plain or flavored) – this is a delicious and healthy snack. However, be sure to count them while eating, as carbohydrates add up.

The keto plan is a versatile and exciting way to lose weight fast, with many delicious food choices. Leave these nine items in your fridge, freezer and pantry, and you will be ready to prepare delightful keto dishes and snacks in an instant.

The Keto diet celebrities

There are a lot of celebrities who have tried the Keto diet. Among others there are Halle Berry, Kourtney Kardashian, and Megan Fox.

In 2014, Megan Fox gave up almost all carbohydrates after childbirth to restore her body as it was before birth. There is nothing more keto than 0% carbohydrate. She eliminated bread from her diet: no crackers, no pretzels, no chips. “The worst thing I put into my body is coffee, once a day.” – Megan Fox wrote then.

Dangers of the keto diet

However, the whole story would not be complete if we did not mention that the Ketogenic diet carries several risks.

Let us note the main shortcomings from the presentation of Dietitian Kathy McManus, Director of the Department of Nutrition at Harvard.

It is rich in saturated fats. Recommends keeping saturated fats up to a maximum of 7% of daily calories due to its association with heart disease. And indeed, the keto diet is associated with an increase in “bad” LDL cholesterol, which is also associated with heart disease.

Lack of nutrients. If you do not eat a wide variety of vegetables, fruits, and grains, you may be at risk of micronutrient deficiencies, including selenium, magnesium, phosphorus, and vitamins B and C.

Liver problems. With so much fat that can be metabolized, the diet could worsen any existing liver disease.

Kidney problems. The kidneys help in protein metabolism, and McManus says that the keto diet can overload them. (The currently recommended protein intake averages 46 grams per day for women and 56 grams for men).

Constipation. The Keto diet has low fiber foods such as grains and legumes.

Fuzzy thinking and mood swings. The brain needs sugar from healthy carbohydrates in order to function. A low-carb diet can cause confusion and irritability.
In the end, McManus concludes that risks can often add up and ultimately create a significant problem for the body, mainly if the Keto diet is used for an extended period of time.

Keto Guru reviews

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These effervescent tablets work by naturally stimulating the process of ketosis in the body.

When you take Keto Guru, you can continue to eat foods that contain carbohydrates! In addition, the active formula contained in these tablets stimulates the process of burning fat 2-3 times without negatively affecting your body.


How many capsules does Keto Guru have?

The pack contains ten effervescent tablets, which is enough to last ten days. The weight loss process begins 45 minutes after taking the effervescent tablet, and the first results can be seen after 14 days.

How to use keto guru

Using Keto Guru tablets is very simple. All you need to do is dissolve one tablet in a glass of water and drink it half an hour before a meal.

It is recommended that you repeat the process before each meal in order for the effect of the tablets to be complete.

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The prices of Keto Guru tablets from official website are:

  • Germany, Austria, Italy, France, Spain: 49 €
  • Croatia: 180 HRK
  • Slovenia: 24 €
  • Saudi Arabia: 265 SAR
  • United Arab Emirates: 220 AED
  • Kuwait: 27 KWD
  • Bahrain: 29 BHD
  • Oman: 23 OMR

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