How to Block Out Snoring

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How to Block Out Snoring

how to stop snoring

It is common for people to snore occasionally and is usually not a cause for concern. However, when snoring happens regularly, it can be disruptive and may indicate an underlying health condition.

Several things can cause snoring, such as sleep position, alcohol consumption, and nasal congestion. In this article, we will discuss the origin of snoring and some tips how to block out snoring and getting a good night’s sleep.

Origin of Snoring

Most people who snore do so because of an obstruction in their airways. This obstruction can be due to several things, such as the position of your tongue, excess tissue in the throat, or deviated septum.

When you sleep, your tongue falls back into your throat, and the soft palate collapses, which narrows the airway and causes snoring. That can also be exacerbated by alcohol consumption and smoking, which relax the muscles in your throat and make it more likely for your airway to collapse.

What are the causes of snoring

There are many different causes of snoring. The following are the most common:

  • Sleep position: Sleeping on your back allows gravity to pull the soft tissues of your throat down, which narrows your airway and causes snoring. Whether you snore or not when you sleep on your side is determined by how easily your airway becomes blocked when lying down.
  • Anatomy: If you have large tonsils or adenoids, a deviated septum (the wall that separates your nostrils), or a long soft palate (roof of your mouth), you’re more likely to snore. These structures can block your airway and cause snoring. It is also more common to snore if you are overweight because you have more tissue in your neck that can block your airway.
  • Weight: Being overweight or obese increases the risk of snoring because excess fat tissue in the neck can compress and narrow the airway. You can reduce your risk of snoring by losing weight. Most overweight people snore, but not all people who snore are fat.
  • Nasal problems: If you have a cold, the flu, or allergies, your nasal passages may become swollen and blocked. That can cause snoring. The problem is usually temporary and goes away when the nasal congestion clears, but it can be a chronic problem for people with allergies.
  • Alcohol: Drinking alcohol relaxes the muscles in your throat, which can narrow your airway and cause snoring. If you snore when you drink alcohol, avoid drinking it close to bedtime. Alcohol can also make you tired, leading to sleep apnea. It can be a vicious cycle.
  • Smoking: Smoking irritates the throat and can cause the tissues to swell, leading to snoring. Smoking also increases the risk of sleep apnea. Smoking is one of the most common causes of snoring.
  • Medications: Some medications, such as tranquilizers and muscle relaxants, can relax the muscles in your throat and cause snoring. Talk to your doctor if you think your medicine is causing you to snore. Other medications can dry out your nasal passages and throat, making them more likely to collapse and cause snoring.
  • Age: As you age, your throat muscles relax, and your tongue falls backward into your throat, which can cause snoring. You can reduce your risk of snoring by maintaining a healthy weight and avoiding alcohol and smoking. Older people are likelier to snore, but not all people who snore are old. That is because as people age, the muscles in their throats become less firm.

What are The Consequences of Snoring?

position how to stop snoring

Regarding the consequences of snoring, there are two main types: short-term and long-term.

The short-term consequences of snoring

Daytime sleepiness: This can affect your ability to function at work and in other activities. It can also increase your risk of accidents.

Poor concentration: Snoring can make it difficult to concentrate during the day. That is because it’s hard to focus when you don’t get enough sleep.

Irritability: Snoring can make you irritable and affect your relationships with others.

Headaches: Snoring can cause headaches, especially if you have sleep apnea.

The long-term consequences of snoring can include:

High blood pressure: Snoring can lead to high blood pressure, increasing your risk of stroke, heart attack, and other health problems. That is because your body is not getting the oxygen it needs when you snore.

Heart disease: Snoring can increase your risk of heart disease, as it puts extra strain on your heart.

Stroke: Snoring can increase your risk of stroke, increasing the risk of blood clots. The exact mechanism of heart disease causes it.

Depression: Snoring can cause or worsen depression, as it can affect your mood and sleep patterns. When you don’t get enough sleep, it can lead to irritability and moodiness.

When Should You See a Doctor About Your Snoring?

You should see a doctor about your snoring if:

  • Your snoring is loud and disruptive.
  • Your snoring is accompanied by gasping or choking.
  • You have daytime sleepiness.
  • You have other sleep apnea symptoms, such as waking up at night with shortness of breath.
  • Your partner or bed partner has concerns about your snoring.
  • You have high blood pressure.
  • You have heart disease.
  • You have diabetes.
  • You are overweight.
  • You have a family history of sleep apnea.

How to Stop Snoring for Good

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Snoring can be a nuisance, but there are, fortunately; so, what can you do to begin solving this problem? Here are a few suggestions.

Here are some helpful hints on how to stop snoring:

Sleep on Your Side

Sleeping on your side may help to reduce or prevent snoring. Sleeping on your side keeps your airway from getting blocked. If you usually sleep on your back and snore, try sewing a tennis ball into the back of your pajama top. That will help you stay on your side all night. You will realize that you are on your back when the tennis ball pushes against your back and wakes you up. After a few nights, you will get used to sleeping on your side and won’t need the tennis ball anymore.

Elevate Your Head

Elevating your head while you sleep can also help to reduce or prevent snoring. When you lie flat on your back, gravity pulls your soft palate and tongue down, which can block your airway and cause snoring. Sleeping on your side or propping your head with pillows can help keep your airway open.

Change Your Sleep Position

Sleep position can affect snoring. Gravity pulls the relaxed tongue and soft palate down to the back of the throat while lying on your back. That can partially block your airway and cause snoring. Sleep on your side instead of your back. That can prevent the tongue and soft palate from collapsing to the back wall of your throat, reducing or eliminating snoring. You can use special pillows designed to keep you sleeping on your side. These are called positional therapy devices.

Clear Your Nasal Passages

A stuffy nose makes it difficult to breathe, and snoring can result. Before bedtime, try using a saline nasal spray to clear your nasal passages or take a steamy shower to open up your sinuses. You can also try placing a humidifier in your room to moisten the air and help keep your nasal passages clear. You can also try using a neti pot to flush out your sinuses. Other people also find relief from snoring by using a nasal dilator or strips that open up the nostrils.

Stay Hydrated

Drinking lots of water is essential for overall health, but it’s also key to keeping your nasal passages clear. Staying hydrated helps to thin out mucus, making it less likely to clog your airway and cause snoring. It is essential to keep hydrated if you have allergies or a cold, as these can lead to congestion and snoring.

It’s best to Avoid Alcohol Before Going to Bed

Drinking alcohol before bed can make snoring worse. When you drink alcohol, the muscles in your throat relax, causing the soft palate and tongue to collapse and block your airway. If you drink alcohol, do so in moderation and avoid doing so close to bedtime. That is because the effects of alcohol can last for several hours.

Quit Smoking

Smoking is one of the leading causes of snoring. Cigarette smoke irritates the nose and throat lining, leading to inflammation and fluid retention. That can block airflow and make it difficult to breathe. If you smoke, quitting is one of the best things you can do for your overall health – and your snoring. You can also try using a nasal spray to help reduce inflammation.

You Need to Exercise

Weight gain is often a factor in snoring. When the tissues in your throat relax, they are more likely to collapse and obstruct your airway. That is why losing weight can be an effective way to reduce or even eliminate your snoring. Regular exercise can also help you achieve and maintain a healthy weight. It also promotes good sleep by helping to regulate your sleep cycle.

Consider Using a Mouthpiece or Splint

Mouthpieces and splints are devices that you wear in your mouth to help keep your airway open. They’re also sometimes called “oral appliances.” Mouthpieces are available without a prescription, but splints need to be fitted by a dentist. Mouthpieces and splints can be effective in some people. But they may not work for everyone and can cause side effects like soreness in your jaws or teeth. Talk to your doctor first if you consider using a mouthpiece or splint.

Get a sleep study

You may need a sleep study if lifestyle changes and other treatments don’t work. This test is done overnight in a sleep lab. You’ll be closely monitored while you sleep to see what’s causing your snoring.

During the sleep study, a technician will attach sensors to your head, face, chin, chest, and legs. The sensors will monitor your brain waves, eye movement, muscle activity, heart rate, oxygen levels in your blood, and airflow through your nose and mouth. The sleep study results can help your doctor determine your sleep apnea. If you do, you may need to use a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine while you sleep. This machine delivers air through a mask worn over your nose and mouth. The air pressure keeps your airway open so you can breathe normally.

How to Deal with a Snoring Partner

how to stop snoring partner

Dealing with a snoring partner can be difficult. But you can do some things to help reduce the noise and get the sleep you need. If lifestyle changes don’t help, talk to your partner about seeing a doctor. Sleep apnea is a severe condition that needs to be treated. Talk to your doctor if you or your partner are snoring and affecting your sleep. They can help you find the cause of the problem and treat it.

The following are a few tips to help you deal with a snoring partner:

Try wearing earplugs: Earplugs can help block out some noise from snoring and allow you to sleep better.

Sleep in separate beds: If earplugs don’t help, you may need to sleep in separate beds. This way, you can get the rest you need without being kept awake by your partner’s snoring.

Try white noise: White noise can help mask the sound of snoring and allow you to get to sleep. Many white noise machines are available, or you can download a white noise app for your phone.

Talk to your partner: If your partner’s snoring affects your sleep, it’s essential to talk to them about it. They may be unaware of the problem and may be willing to make some changes to help reduce the noise, such as sleeping on their side instead of their back.

See a doctor: If your partner’s snoring is accompanied by other symptoms, such as gasping for breath or pauses, they may have sleep apnea. That is a severe condition that needs to be treated by a doctor. If your partner has sleep apnea, they may need to use a CPAP machine at night.


Do you know that 1 out of 4 grownups around the globe experience snoring? Typically this sleeping habit takes a toll on their partners who also require an excellent rest. The issue is no less severe even for those individuals who live alone. Snoring can be deadly and threatens life! So the condition has to be looked after and cured.

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While snoring can be annoying, it’s usually not a severe problem. However, in some cases, it can be a sign of a more severe condition, such as sleep apnea.

If you’re snoring and affecting your sleep, talk to your doctor. They can help you find the cause of the problem and treat it.

You can also do some things to reduce the noise, such as using 100% natural spray as AERFLOW.


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How to Block Out Snoring

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